FORUD's action strategy employed to serve the grass the grass root poor

Since FORUD was pioneer Non Government organization in the region, the community had different perceptions about development, employ strategies that could win people’s will of owning the projects were needed and these included

Community participation

Beneficiaries of any project implemented by FORUD were involved in the planning process. This approach encouraged self-consciousness towards ownership and full responsibility of the initiatives.

Experience indicates that community participation enables projects to last longer than the ones that have been implemented without the knowledge and will of the people. 

When dealing with the communities, beneficiaries MUST make decisions right from the planning process to implementation and this gives them skills to manage their projects. 

Community members participate in the construction of a shallow well in Kyamutunzi parish Kyenjojo District

Support to local initiatives

Over time, FORUD has provided funds to farmers to practice sustainable agriculture and trained them to gain experience and skills in what they practice. At the same time appropriate and affordable technologies in small scale industries and animal husbandry, have also been supported under the sustainable Agriculture program.

Savings and credit schemes.

Organized village Savings and credit schemes have benefited from FORUD’s revolving fund as support to member’s savings. The fund is meant to save members of big loans from financing institutions and individuals and end up loosing their property as a result of failure to pay back. People reserve the powers to manage the schemes and they can appoint and sack their managers as this promotes transparency and accountability. Accessing the fund from the scheme is done on merit and special attention is given to the vulnerable as they are protected from the well to do members. 


 We have always advocated for creation of enabling environment for women, youth and PWDs to participate in the development process of the community and their personal lives. FORUD has undermined cultural beliefs that deny women of control over natural resources like land and property, decision making over self-expression on individual health and community development process.

Safe livelihood

In regard to HIV/AIDS FORUD promotes safer sex through Abstinence, Being Faithful and use of Condoms (ABC) in case of any act of sex.
Most importantly FORUD encourages Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) and seeking treatment for those who are tested positive. Other safe life practices we encourage include campaign for immunization of children and treatment of any other illness like malaria. For us to do the above we uphold the values of equality (gender), Unity, Love, Justice. Peace, honesty and happiness for all.

Forud Strategic Objectives

  • To support the communities is the Albertine region to access clean and safe water for drinking and production through construction of water sources, establishment of community structures and promotion of environmental conservation practices by use of appropriate technologies.
  • To promote sustainable agriculture practices and appropriate technologies in the rural communities through establishment of community based support structures and capacity building of rural farmer groups.
  • To promote public health best practices in rural communities through public health awareness campaigns and establishment of public health community structures.
  • To enhance capacities of government local councils and civil society organizations and management structure deliver effectively and efficiently on their core mandate.
  • To support and enhance the capacity of the youth in decision making through participation in leadership

FORUD tackling the Communities’ most pressing Needs

The hard to reach areas are FORUD’s major focus since they are sometimes not reached by the little government resources. The obligation of assisting the rural poor is based on the following areas;

Water and Sanitation

Dagerous before; stagnant water  people used to fetch for domestic use in in Nyabbani parish in kamwenge district .

 The water and Sanitation program greatly influence the way of life of the people. The organization has constructed a number of water sources hence providing safe water for the people.

Later; With support from PROTOS the water source as improved into a shallow well. Now people can access clean drinking water hence preventing diseases like worms and cholera

Dagerous before; stagnant water  people used to fetch for domestic use in in Nyabbani parish in kamwenge district .

Water and Sanitation go hand in hand hence construction of Water sources, Echo sun latrines, pit latrines as well as demonstrational drying racks and Kitchens for proper domestic hygiene

Aware that Food security is an important factor for community development and welfare. Since a well fed community is a health one, the organization emphasizes nutritional food security for both Rural and urban areas in production, processing and food supply as well as utilization. 2020 research shows that Tooro sub region is face the highest percentage of people who are malnourished with its consequences perhaps the plenty fertile soils in the region.

For farmers to be well equipped in Sustainable agriculture and environment protection technologies they are trained in;

  • Soil fertility management
  • Soil and water conservation.
  • Crop and animal husbandry
  • Farm energy utilization
  • Environment conservation

    Whereas FORUD promotes food security, it is cognizant of the dangers that come along with it like environment degradation, swamp reclamation, deforestation, pollution and harassment of wild life like hunting, pouching and micro organisms.

    Health, HIV/AIDS

    FORUD is sensitive of the existence of HIV/AIDS and its impact in our communities putting into account that this is a cross cutting challenge locally and internationally.

  • FORUD thus integrates HIV/AIDS in its entire sectors not only for the communities where we serve but also at the work place