We support grass root vulnarable youth in the communities to have access to good and quality  education. As embbeded in the United Nations development goals, access to education that is inclusive is key for development. It should be noted that should  that Education is the cornerstone of every community. FORUD Uganda work to support the communities to have  access to both formal and informal eductation. We have supported over 1000 youth in primary, secondary and tatiary levels with scholarship materials and school fees. FORUD have registered a grate achievement having over 20 university graduates in different desciplines from different institutions of learning. We have equally supported youth school dropouts under the informal sector who have acquired different employable skills in the

carpentry and joinary, tailoring, mechanics, weldinding,  agro-prossing ,hair dressing, weaving and general visual art and hand craft. We uphold value to empower people to have eployable.

skills. We also work to ensure rural schools have access to clean and accessible energy that offer conducive environment to facilitate learning.

FORUD Uganda highly value clean and pleasant environment that sustainably support the ecosystem. We carry out sensitization campaigns to the local communities in our areas of operation to adopt appropriate technologies of farming that are environmental friendly. We support the local communities to protect water catchment areas, river banks, planting trees programs in schools and open places to conserve environment.  We work with the local government structures to demarcate and formulate policies to protect the wetlands that are under attack by the communities. We support communities to come  up with alternative projects that are environmental friendly like bee keeping, aqua-culture, re-afforestation, agro-forestry, encouraging briquettes model as an alternative to charcoal and firewood usage. We also work to support the local communities around water bodies to construct tranches and use appropriate technologies to remove the solid waste materials to control floods around water bodies around Lake Albert.