Food security is an important factor for community development and welfare. Since a well fed community is a health one, FORUD has emphasizes on food production and nutritional food security for both Rural and urban areas in production, processing and food supply as well as utilization. 2020 research shows that Tooro sub region is face the highest percentage of people who are stunted and high rate of malnourished children and stunted with its consequences perhaps the plenty fertile soils in Rwenzori region. It should be noted that the regional population is not malnourished due to lack of food rather to lack of knowledge of feeding, food systems/chains of distribution and food processing. We work to build a human resource base and enabling environment for mult-sectoral implementation of nutrition and agriculture productivity intervention

For farmers to be well equipped in Sustainable agriculture and environment protection technologies, we support grass root communities in areas of;

  • Soil fertility management
  • Soil and water conservation
  • Crop and animal husbandry
  • Farm energy utilization
  • Food production using organic methods
  • Post-harvest food handling and processing
  • Nutrition sensitization for children and teenager mothers

FORUD Uganda highly value clean and pleasant environment that sustainably support the ecosystem. We carry out sensitization campaigns to the local communities in our areas of operation to adopt appropriate technologies of farming that are environmental friendly. We support the local communities to protect water catchment areas, river banks, planting trees programs in schools and open places to conserve environment.  We work with the local government structures to demarcate and formulate policies to protect the wetlands that are under attack by the communities. We support communities to come up with alternative projects that are environmental friendly like bee keeping, aqua-culture, re-afforestation, agro-forestry, encouraging briquettes model as an alternative to charcoal and firewood usage. We also work to support the local communities around water bodies to construct tranches and use appropriate technologies to remove the solid waste materials to control floods around water bodies around Lake Albert.