Nyakahuma Daniel in his Irish Potatoes plantation
Nyakahuma Daniel in his Irish Potatoes plantation

I am a Youth aged 19 and a student at St Thomas primary school. I am particularly known for Irish potatoes farming and a member of Kasunga Youth Association in Kihamba Parish Kyegegwa District. I have been in this business for three years, initially having minimal harvest income. My earning at the time stagnated at about 150,000 per season due to small production and hence the returns couldn’t be enough to support me to study. However, the business began to change for better in the last 3 years. I now harvest between 3 to 4 sacks of Irish potatoes per season , Consume one sack with my siblings and sale 3 sacks at a range of 150,000  –  180,000 Uganda shillings, giving me a three months income of 450,000  –  540,000 Uganda Shillings.

I am a Youth aged 33 and I am a mechanic by profession. I am particularly known for mechanics and welding along Kiboga Road in Fort Portal tourism city. I am also member of Rwakyakibunya Sacco in Bunyangabu District. I have been in this work for 7 years, I was trained in mechanics in 2015 after I had dropped out from senior four due to lack of school fees. I was trained for one year in motor vehicle mechanics and I obtained a certificate. I left the garage where I trained from and rented a small place where I started my own small garage along Kiboga Road.  Initially having few customers and tools, my income earnings at that time stagnated at about 400,000 – 600,000 per Month due to small number of customers and hence the returns couldn’t be enough to support my family. However, the business began to change for better in 2017 after receiving a seed capital.


Kakima Annet

She is aged 62, and a widow. She is engaged in poultry with around fifty (50) local chicken. She established poultry houses besides her residential in Bulinda village. She generated the idea after getting the TUP grant through FORUG Uganda, which she used to construct poultry house and bought some of the chicken. She keeps layers and she gets ten trays of eggs per month where she earns income of one hundred thousand after deducting thirty thousand for input. (130,000).

 “I hope that profits will multiply in the mean time since am going to add in more capital generated by the same project “Annet asserts”. Annet uses the income in providing school necessities and food to her grand children. She has got seven (4) dependents.I thank FORUD Uganda for the support by providing a seed capital to my small business and giving us knowledge.

Kabagenyi Teddy

She has a retail shop. She used Trickle-Up USA grant through FORUD to add in more items like sugar, clothes and cooking oil in her shop. She says that trainings in business management by FORUD have helped her to expand her business most especially in book keeping. Profits are re-invested in the business, paying rent and school fees. She operates in Kyamukube trading center in Rubona Bunyanga District. She is thank full to FORUD Uganda for the capacity building in business management and giving them a seed grant.


Basaliza Magret

She is a teenager school dropout engaged in animal rearing. She received a seed grant from FORUD Uganda which she has to buy goats in addition to the pigs she heard before. She is also engaged in banana farming that brings her income which she use for her saving and supporting her mother and one singling who is studying.

She carries out her activity with in her village in Bulinda in Rubona Sub-county.

We thank FORUD Uganda for the support under sustainable agriculture practices and technology that have been supporting us with capacity build on banana plantation farming and the seed capital they gave me to start goat rearing project.

Nsongya Primary school in Lyamabwa parish Bunyangabu District.

Nsongya primary is one among the many schools that benefited from constructed rain water tanks to enable teachers and learners to have access to clean and safe water. The children no longer go far to fetch water and facing risks of water born diseases, rape, drowning among others. Since the program was implemented as an integrated one that also emphasized behavioral change, the youth and parents are thank full to forud Uganda for constructing a water tank at school and sensitizing learners on education which has raised the school enrollment and checked on absenteeism tendencies by learners.